Salem United Methodist Church
P.R.A.Y. is accustomed to receiving photos and stories from Tricia Burgess showcasing the Scouts who have earned their P.R.A.Y. awards over the years. How pleased we were to receive a photo of Tricia herself receiving the United Methodist God and Service Award in recognition of her hard work – her ministry! Lorraine Land, speaking on behalf of Salem Boy Scout Troop 123, said, “Mrs. Burgess has been doing P.R.A.Y. classes for not only our scouts, but her church children, and other troops since 2008. She is very dedicated and works extremely hard at bringing these classes to these individuals to help them grow spiritually. She is a blessing not only to the scouts, but to our parents and community.” What does Tricia’s ministry look like? Click here to view the picture of 5 Four Star recipients coached by Tricia in Salem United Methodist Church.
Interested in recognizing an individual? Visit P.R.A.Y.’s Adult Nomination page.
Posted by Deb Hazlewood
March 15, 2018