The Religious Emblems programs are developed by the national religious organizations to encourage their members to grow stronger in their faith. The scouting agencies have approved of these programs and allow the awards to be worn on the official uniforms, but the emblems are created and administered by the various religious groups.

P.R.A.Y. develops the religious emblems curriculum and recognition program for Protestant and Independent Christian churches. Our mission is to bring children, youth and families to Christ. Religious emblems exist for other faiths, but they are not created by P.R.A.Y.

As a partner with faiths in the promotion of religious emblems, the P.R.A.Y. office also serves as the religious emblems partner for congregations of Community of Christ, the Eastern Orthodox Committee on Scouting, and the National Catholic Committee on Scouting-BSA (books only) . Although these emblems are made available through P.R.A.Y., the respective committees retain full responsibility for the eligibility guidelines and curriculum development of their emblem programs.

Reminder: P.R.A.Y. creates only the Protestant and Independent Christian award series.

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American Heritage Girls

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AHG Promotional Resources

Scouting America

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Girl Scouts of the U.S.A.

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